SEND Information
Whiteknights is committed to fostering an inclusive ethos across our school community. We believe that inclusion goes hand in hand with diversity and equality, values we actively promote for all children in our care, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, impairment, attainment, or background. We are dedicated to providing adaptive support and ensuring high achievement for all groups of learners.
Our aims:
To meet and support every child’s individual needs so that they feel happy, confident, and valued.
To treat every child as an individual, encouraging them to reach their full potential as a valued member of our community and wider society.
To enable every child to achieve their full academic potential, access the full curriculum, and be well-prepared for the next stage of their education.
We adhere to Wokingham Borough Council’s guidance on provision for children with SEND and follow our SEND Policy and Accessibility Strategy and Action Plan.
Working with External Agencies
Our school maintains strong links with external agencies, including advisory teachers and educational psychologists employed by the local authority. This collaboration allows us to provide tailored advice and specialist support for children and their families when needed.
Our Inclusion Team
Our Inclusion Team is experienced, enthusiastic, and regularly trained to ensure the best possible support for our pupils.
SEND Leaders:
Mrs Lewis: Specialises in supporting children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1).
Mrs Connor: Specialises in supporting children in Key Stage 2 (KS2).
Home School Link Worker & Mental Health Lead:
Miss Collard: Plays a vital role in building strong school-home partnerships, supporting families, and fostering a positive school experience. She also works closely with Wokingham Borough Council’s Mental Health Support Team, proactively addressing challenges to create a nurturing environment where all pupils feel safe and supported.
Contact Details:
Alternatively, you can contact the school office on 0118 987 2588.
Our SEND Provision
We provide support tailored to the individual needs of each child, beginning with early identification of learning barriers.
In classrooms, the curriculum is scaffolded to allow for different rates of progress, enabling every child to access lessons and succeed. We use a range of strategies, including, but not limited to:
Visual timetables and word/picture prompts.
Small steps in teaching and learning.
Sensory and movement breaks.
Specialist equipment where required.
Our classrooms are designed to minimise cognitive overload, with natural-coloured backing boards and purposeful, minimal displays. We adopt a "keep up" rather than "catch up" approach to ensure all children remain engaged and supported.
The Graduated Approach: Assess, Plan, Do, Review
This cycle underpins all our SEND provision:
1. Assess: Identify the child’s needs through discussions with the child, their parents, or carers.
2. Plan: Develop an individual plan to meet their needs.
3. Do: Implement the plan, monitor progress, and make adjustments as required.
4. Review: Evaluate the effectiveness of the support and revise plans if necessary.
Children may be supported in a variety of ways, including within the classroom, in small groups, or through one-to-one sessions.
More information on our SEND provision can be found on the SEND Report below.
Collaboration with Families
We believe children progress best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. Regular meetings with families ensure progress is monitored, and we welcome parents to discuss their child’s needs and achievements at any time during the school year.
For further information, the school’s SEND Policy is available on our website (also below).
Support from the Local Authority
If you live in Reading or Wokingham and have a child with special educational needs or a disability, you can register with your local authority. Further details and resources can be found on the SEND Local Offer websites.
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