PE and Sports Premium Funding
Whiteknights receives a grant from the Government to support PE and sports. We use this money to employ a sports coach who assists with PE lessons in the afternoons, and runs lunchtime and afterschool sports clubs to cater for all ages.
We continue to supplement the cost of swimming lessons for pupils in Years 3 and 4. To further improve swimming lessons we reduced the number of pupils from 60 to 30 per swimming session. This increased the amount of attention that pupils got from the swimming teacher, which impacted positively on the progress pupils made in lessons.
Our Year 6 children achieved the following:
46 out of the 58 (79%) children were able to swim; 32 (70%) of those children were confident swimmers.
9 out of the 12 (75%) Pupil Premium children were able to swim; 5 of the 9 (55%) were confident swimmers.