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Medical Conditions and Emergencies
Medical Conditions and Emergencies
Dealing with medical emergencies in school, as well as managing children who have medical conditions has been outlined very briefly below. More detailed information can be found in the listed policies (below), however you may wish to contact the School Office for further assistance.
Managing Medicines
Medicines will be administered at school when it is essential to a pupil’s health or school attendance. We will only administer medicine when it has been prescribed by a doctor and consent by a parent has been given to do so. Parents are welcome to come into school to administer medication that is non-prescription medication.
The school recognises that asthma is a widespread, serious but controllable condition affecting many pupils at the school. The school positively welcomes all pupils with asthma. Where children are prescribed with a reliever inhaler, the school requests that an inhaler is kept in school together with a spacer. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the inhaler provided is within the recommended date and that it is replaced on a timely basis as the expiry date approaches. The inhaler will be stored in the child’s classroom medical box in a clearly named plastic wallet together with the child’s asthma action plan, which gives clear details on when the child will need to use the inhaler and the recommended dosage.
For emergencies when a child's own inhaler is not available we have in school an emergency universal salbutamol inhaler. This will not be given without prior consent by a parent, or if we are instructed to use it by the emergency services. For further details regarding this please refer to our Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy (below).
Severe Allergic Reactions
In line with our Severe Allergic Reaction guidelines, we ask parents to complete an Allergy Action Plan, so that a child’s adrenaline auto injector can be administered in the event of an emergency. Please ensure that your child has their adrenaline auto injector and their own supply of anti-histamine medication (medicine for allergies) available for use in school. We would also like to remind you that it is your responsibility to check that the medication kept for your child in school is in date.
If there are any changes in any emergency treatment or dosage, it is essential that parents inform us so that new Action Plans can be completed.