Home Learning and Remote Education

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Home Learning

We define home learning as any activity that pupils complete outside of school hours, either independently or with family support. We value strong parental involvement and view home learning as an essential aspect of fostering this partnership.
Our home learning expectations are outlined in the Home Learning Policy (below). In addition to this, parents receive half-termly communication along with topic overviews, which provide further details about learning objectives and suggested support or learning tasks at home. 
Home Learning Records
  • Reception and Year 1 pupils - Reading Records: daily reading is recorded, with parents signing to confirm..
  • Year 2 onwards - Home learning diaries: daily reading is recorded, with parents signing to confirm. Weekly spelling practise is logged. These booklets serve as valuable resources to support learning at home.
We encourage pupils to maintain the high standards of presentation expected in school, such as neat handwriting and using sharp pencils.
For those who may struggle to complete home learning tasks at home, a weekly lunchtime club is available for Key Stage 2 pupils. Registers are kept, and if a child consistently fails to complete and return home learning tasks, the matter will be discussed with both the child and their parents to ensure ongoing support.

Remote Education (including emergency school closures)

We believe that all pupils should have access to a balanced and high-quality curriculum, even during temporary school closures. At Whiteknights, we are committed to providing remote education that maintains the same high standards of learning as during the normal school day.
We make full use of online platforms and resources to deliver virtual lessons, ensuring that children can continue their learning from home. Wherever possible, we teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school, though some subjects may require adaptations for the online format.
Children will have access to activities they can complete independently, or with parental support for our younger pupils. Maths and English remain core priorities, and each class will have regular contact with their teacher. Through our virtual platforms, we ensure pupils stay connected to their learning and receive the support they need throughout the closure period.